About CoolCatRetail.com

Cool Cat Limited is dedicated to providing innovative products that cater to the diverse needs of our customers. Our mission is to enhance personal expression and educational play through high-quality products.

We love working with local businesses in Exeter and believe supporting our communities is important. We are always looking for ways to minimise our environmental impact. Small changes, such as not printing orders when we have already sent you a digital version, help us minimise our environmental impact.

Our journey started with STEM products, as we had experience working in education. We soon realised that we were good at online retail. Working closely with suppliers and offering great customer service brings us joy daily. 

Cool Cat Limited is based in the beautiful city of Exeter. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction and expertise in the products we offer. We continuously seek to innovate and expand our product range to meet the evolving needs of our community. We are a small business and hope you follow our journey as we strive to grow. 

Thank you for your support and business.

Cool Cat Limited
Company Number: 16147142
VAT Registered: GB 485 4506 66